Pay special attention during the next time, because we will provide you with a major update, including a lot of footage, very soon. From now on, we will release news and media on a shorter timescale, than we did before. This site should make it easier for you to follow our progress and keep track of new stuff. And another big thank you to Sven aka "M4c", who did all the coding for this site. In this context: A big thank you to Guedoe, the BSS Site-Admin, who made this all possible for us. We are sure that this new support will help speeding up our work on Modern Combat. Today we present you two news pieces at the same time! First of all we are proud to present you our new online-presence ! This goes hand in hand with a new collaboration with Black Sand Studios. We, the CoH - Modern Combat team-members, wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. If you can add one and one together, you already know what will follow this small arms special in the future. The following pictures showcase some of the weapons, which will be used by our new US and Chinese factions. So from all the material, that's waiting for you, we have packed together a little small arms special. This takes a bit more time though, so please be patient.īut, since christmas is around the corner, we don't want to let you down completely, of course. The reason behind the delay is, that we are working on a new homepage, which should make it much easier for you to track our progress, get an idea of the mod itself and communicate with us.
We have a lot of great material waiting for you. Let me tell you, this is not because of problems with our modding progress. Some of you may have wondered why there has been such a small amount of information pouring out of our gates recently.