
Inkscape 3d printing
Inkscape 3d printing

inkscape 3d printing

The resulting mesh from intersecting faces and is a bit messy.I’m using -6.5 to add it away from the center.

inkscape 3d printing

After which I can delete the top and bottom face and add Solidify. I import the SVG in Blender, resize, convert to mesh, Limited Dissolve to get a single face and then extrude. In Inkscape I have traced it and deleted the inner path so its one solid object now. Originally Inkscape was tracing around the edges of the line resulting in a path with a width in Blender rather than a single path. Submitted earlier thread but think I forgot the attachment. Blender experience is limited but trying to read as much as I can. Quick background: trying to trace a shape form image and model 3D cookie cutter to print on 3D printer. I am making some progress since my last thread (not approved yet so I can’t continue there) I think. I could probably trace this manually in Inkscape to end up with the single line, but eventually I would like to try more complex shapes. Is there an easy way to get rid of these? I only want the outline so I can apply Solidify and control the thickness precisely. When I import it into Blender the path has thickness and converting it to a mesh results in faces between two sets of vertices. I’m using Inkscape to trace it but resulting path has some thickness. My question is now I’m attempting to make one form an image. Added a plan and text to Boolean union together into my final shape. Duplicate and Solidify inward for the cutter part. I was able to convert to mesh, add a face, extrude and apply Solidify modifier outward to create handle. Blender imported it as a curve with a single line (no thickness). I have been able to create a proof of concept drawing a random shape in Inkscape, saving that as SVG and importing it into Blender. My goal is to create a cookie cutter with text that I can 3d print. I am new to Blender and 3D Modeling but have read and watched lots of helpful tutorials.

Inkscape 3d printing